Email of the day
on learning to trade and some additions to the Chart Library:
"Thank you both for such a superb service. I am just beginning to get the hang of trading thanks to you and have begun to make some profits at last. It has been a steep learning curve for the last two years. Buying at the right time, knowing when to sell and above all keeping within one's capital requirements are expensive skills to learn. Not that I am complacent and am aware that I could come unstuck at any time. Hence your work is so valuable.
"Could you add EMC Metals (TSX: EMC) and Metallica Minerals (ASX: MLM) to the library or indicate where I can find them, please?"
Eoin Treacy's view Congratulations on you progress in what is a life long journey of education. I have added the above shares to the Chart Library. They can all be found in the International Equity Library via the menus or via the Chart Library's dedicated search using a keyword or the ticker.
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