Email of the day (3)
Comment of the Day

September 22 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (3)

On the World Industrial Production graph posted yesterday
"Since we are all speculators, we must always keep in mind that this word comes from the Latin SPECERE which means to look at, to see. We consider the fact and go with the trends. We are not emotionally attached. We do not care if we are long or short a sector or a market. We are neither optimist nor pessimist.

"Last year, I went to India to visit one of the great spiritual master of our time: Shri Chandra Swamiji Udasin. He would just tell us to observe. Our mind should stay blank, unattached.

"We must therefore be able to acknowledge the best as well as the worst news with the same neutrality. We must be aware of the fact that us, as human beings, have a tendency not to be able to understand if disastrous events are in the making.

"Yes, industrial production has made progress this year. Does that mean I do not see dark clouds ahead? Does that mean I should not be prepared for a bear market starting today or in a year and a half? No."

David Fuller's view Good points and that is sound advice from the spiritual master - staying "unattached" to our positions - and you will also hear similar advice at The Chart Seminar.

Forgive me for asking if this enlightened state of neutrality also enables you to see some bright clouds, if only for analytical balance, enabling you to be prepared equally for a bull market if that is what the trends reveal?

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