Email of the day (3)
on an interim solution to how to put trendlines on charts:
"Some of your subscribers have recently written to you about putting trendlines on their Fullermoney charts. It is possible to do this or at least I can do it with Internet Explorer 8 and Vista. What you do is save the chart to the hard drive on your PC, and use the line function in the Paint program that comes with Windows.
"Here is how to do it in more detail:
1. Go to the Fullermoney website with Internet Explorer, and access the chart you wish to put a trend line on.
2. Right click on it and select the "Save picture As" option.
3. Give your chart a name and save it to your hard drive.
4 Click on the windows start button at the bottom left hand corner of your PC screen.
5 Mouse over "All Programs" until you see the program folders appear.
6 Left click on the accessories folder
7. Left click on the Paint program to open it.
8. Inside the Paint program select the File menu and then left click on Open.
9. Navigate to the chart you saved from the Fullermoney website and left click on it and then left click on Open.
10. The saved chart should now be showing in the Paint program. In the left hand column of the Paint program you should see your paint tools. Notice the tool that looks like a diagonal line, and when you mouse over it a white box displays the word line. Left click on it to select it.
11. Move your mouse to where you want the trend line to commence and depress the left mouse button and hold it down.
12. With the left mouse button still depressed drag the mouse to where you want the trend line to end and release the left mouse button. You should now have a trend line on your Fullermoney chart.
13. Save your chart by Left clicking on the File menu and then left clicking on Save.
"If you want to put text or numbers on your chart, you will need the text tool in the Paint program. The Text tool looks like an A and when you mouse over it displays a box that says Text. You could use it to put in Fibonacci levels on your chart. but you need to manually calculate them with a calculator. In the unlikely event you don't own a calculator, there is a program in the accessories folder called calculator that you can use. I hope this helps."
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this innovative solution which I'm sure will be of interest to subscribers.
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