Email of the day (3)
Comment of the Day

November 10 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (3)

On Friday's Audio and the yen (received Monday):
"Just listened to Friday's great audio and I do feel your pain about the USD long/JPY short, because I have been caught for a few months in the same vise with a CHF long/JPY short (not quite as bad as your predicament) which I have been continuing to roll over to continue to avoid facing the unpleasant facts. I continue hoping that the BOJ is really setting up a giant sucker trap for all the momentum players which will finally vindicate both of us.

"Let us keep our fingers crossed!

"Gunther (satisfied subscriber for app 20 years)"

David Fuller's view Thanks for the feedback and especially your long-term support. We've shared interesting times.

My trades are primarily based on price chart action, as you know, and I do not like to run losses. However, on rare occasions I will do so if I have good reason to believe that a market is at a logical and historic turning point. USD/JPY (historic, weekly & daily) may qualify. I hope you are right about the BoJ and that is what I would do if, heaven forefend, I ran that shop. Meanwhile, the chart action has improved slightly.

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