Email of the day (3)
Comment of the Day

November 11 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (3)

On "not a lot of bargains":
"An interview that makes a lot of common sense. I think that you would agree that the present market doesn't offer a lot of bargains."

David Fuller's view I thought this was a typically pessimistic US-centric view. Yes, US bonds do not look attractive, as Fullermoney has stated many times in recent months, and an average yield of 1.91% for the S&P is historically low. But is that the whole story in terms of our investment universe, or even the USA?

Money flows to where it gets the best return. Savvy investors can do the same.

Bargains do become scarcer and the environment more risky in a rising market, although the crowd's perception is sometimes the opposite. Within the USA we still like leading (that also means performing) blue chip multinationals which are leveraged to the Asian-led global economy. Most of these companies have respectable yields. Perhaps more importantly, they also sit on a treasure trove of cash, currently estimated to be approximately $2 trillion. That can fund significant dividend increases, share buybacks, takeovers and capital expenditure.

Eoin reviews high-yielding companies regularly - please Search under 'aristocrats', if interested.

The investment manager speaking in the interview above is apparently locked into the US economy. Fortunately, most Fullermoney Subscribers are free to invest wherever they like. There may be fewer bargains today but there are plenty of reasonable opportunities for both the short and longer term.

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