Email of the day (3)
Comment of the Day

December 03 2010

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (3)

on the Chart Library Performance Filter:
"When filtering e.g. US stocks, without relative e.g. SPX, I can see that ranking is in the same order as if filtered with SPX relative, but the percent data changes slightly. How can this difference be explained?

"Also in the Relative column are numbers relative or absolute? I mean are the higher numbers the best relative vs. SPX compared with the rest of the list? Or can they be compared?

"As the name of the filter implies, this is a performance filter, but what about a performance of relative performance compared to any index?

"I appreciate any comment about these topics.

"A technical question on Filtering: Using an iPad, when trying to select a Favorite Section, cannot scroll down to choose one. However I can scroll down other buttons outside filtering.

"Thanks in advance".

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for these questions which I'm sure will be of interest to other subscribers. Let me take them in order.

Listing a group of instruments by performance will not change the order of the ranking regardless of what one compares them to. However, the values will change depending on whether they are absolute or relative. For example if IBM was up 5% and Apple was up 10% in absolute terms over the last month, they may only be up 3% and 8% respectively relative to the S&P Index. Apple has still outperformed so the ranking will not change but the values will because of the relative comparison. If you were to compare a group of shares with denominated in different currencies and were to rebase them to a single currency such as US Dollars, you would then expect the ranking to change because you have incorporated a different set of variables i.e. the various exchange rates.

The SPX relative column displays the divisor required to calculate the performance fields. The percentage changes 1-month, 3-month, 6-month and 12-month can be ranked so that the highest numbers at the top of the list reflect the best performers.

If you would like to see how the group being filtered is performing relative to an actual index add the index you are interested in comparing them to into the section you wish to filter. Then filter relative to that Index. In the results, the relative index will be one of the results and it will then be a simple matter of whatever appears above the Index is outperforming and whatever is below it is underperforming over the chosen timeframe.

I'm afraid I have been waiting for a new version of the iPad before purchasing but I will forward you query to our IT department with a view to getting this issue resolved.

For those who may be interested here is a link to the online help pages for the Chart Library Filter.

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