Email of the day (3)
Comment of the Day

February 16 2010

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (3)

on the Chart Library and China's population
"I hope you are both well and as always many thanks for the consistently excellent service you provide.

"This is regarding the Chart Library so it is probably best addressed to Eoin.

"I have noticed that certain stocks (Stockcube (SKC) or Pan African Resources (PAF) for example) can be found using the International Equity Library search function, but are not actually listed in the International Equity Library or in the main chart library. I just thought I should bring this to your attention.

"Not unrelated to this, I was going to ask you to add all the constituents of the AIM All-Share to the International Equity Library until I checked the LSE homepage and found out that that there are more than a thousand so that request might be a bit unreasonable, but perhaps you might consider it in the future?

"Also, MCT: LN which you kindly added to the library has not updated since November and could you please add FRO: LN to the library?

"By the way, someone who used to live in China told me that it is widely accepted in China that the official population figures of about 1.3 billion are understated by about 300 million? Do you think there is any truth to this? And what would the investment implications be? Perhaps you could ask around while you are in Beijing.

"Keep up the good work! All the best,"

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for your kind words and these questions which may also be of interest to other subscribers. The International Equity Library is a mirror of the equity libraries in our sister services; Investors Intelligence and Stockcube Research. A strategic decision was made last year to limit the number of AIM-listed shares in the database to the AIM-100 which now appears in the International Equity Library. Those that fall outside of this list but remain available via the search are being systematically expunged from the system. AIM Shares which subscribers have asked for but that are outside of the AIM-100 can be found in the Equities (Selected) section of the main Chart Library. You will also find Frontline's UK listing here. I have added Stockcube Research and Pan African Resources to this list as well. I have also updated MCT.

Mrs. Treacy has also mentioned the commonly held belief that the Chinese population is in fact more than the stated 1.3billion. Officials have a vested interest in meeting their population targets, so it is reasonable to assume that the population is understated, particularly in rural areas where much of the farm work continues to depend on manual labour. Arguments have been made that China's population is aging quickly but as with all Chinese statistics, one needs to look closely at the underlying data. If the population is in fact 300 million larger than previously thought, those additional people are already functioning in the economy and such a revelation is unlikely to have much of an investment implication over the medium term.

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