Email of the day (3)
On inflation in India:
"Perhaps the erstwhile Congress party should change it's name to La Nina - mutton and chicken prices have gone up 50% at least in the last 6 months. Vegetable prices have gone up 100% - onion prices after rising 300% in last 3 months have now disappeared from the market and are now unavailable for love or money. The seriousness of this can be judged by the fact that onion is an ingredient in EVERY Indian culinary dish. In October export quota for onions were increased by the Indian Government by 30%.
"Why are mutton vegetables cereals being exported when foreign exchange reserves are at all time highs?
"That is not all. Pakistan was one of the countries to which onions were exported. Now the agricultural ministry tells us that onions from Pakistan will arrive on 7 JANUARY and prices will come down. The ineptness of government agricultural policy has caused more misery and suicide deaths in the farming community than all the terrorist's attacks put together.
David Fuller's view I am sorry to hear this and hope that you have sent your email to your local and national press as well.
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