Email of the day (3)
Comment of the Day

January 14 2011

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (3)

on the difference between equity and Treasury yields:
"Would it be possible to have a chart showing the difference between US equities yield and the bond yield? Thanks"

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this request which others may also have an interest in. Rory Gillen produced an insightful chart comparing earnings yields on US global franchise companies with US Treasuries in a report posted in Comment of the Day on August 18th. It showed the opposite trajectories of Treasuries compared to Bluechip yields at the time.

Since then, US Treasury yields have bounced back while Wall Street's impressive performance has pressured equity yields. I do not have the capabilities to reproduce Rory's chart because we cannot amalgamate such a large amount of data to create custom indices. However, I created this chart on Bloomberg, subtracting the yield on the Dow Jones Industrials from that of US 10yr Treasuries.

Treasuries yielded less than the Dow Jones Industrials in 2008 and the spread retested parity in 2010. While it has rebounded somewhat it is still at a comparatively narrow level.

This spread represents the whole Index. On a more granular level, there are a number of companies leveraged to the global economy that dominate their respective niches and continue to yield more than Treasuries. Johnson & Johnson and Kimberly Clark are just two examples.

This list of US dividend aristocrats which appeared in Comment of the Day on September 14th may also be of interest.

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