Email of the day (3)
on questions relating to the Service:
"1.) Is the daily audio file downloadable to my local p.c.?
"2.) It looks like an annual subscription in US Dollars would be £525 * $1.62 = $850 approximately - correct?
"Bet you're looking forward to British Summer time."
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for these questions and for your interest in the Service. The Subscriber's Audio is posted in Real Player and MP3 format. It can also be listened to via your browser. If you would like to save the file directly to your pc, simply right click on the respective mp3 tab and click on "Save Target As". Alternatively, if you would like to listen to an audio via an iPod or iPhone, here is a link to the instructions on how this can be accomplished.
Your estimates of the current annual subscription in US Dollars are approximately correct, depending on the exchange rate. In addition, you will receive a 10% loyalty discount upon continuous renewal of an annual subscription.