Email of the day (3)
"Would it be possible to add a link to the Chart Library "default" Home Page (i.e. Favourites Page) in the Chart Library toolbar? When browsing charts I often want to move back to my top level favourite chart page and currently the only way to do that is via the back button on the browser.
"This is inelegant as often involves clicking the back button a number of times through various chart settings that I often make on any given chart.
"The alternative of going back to the Fullermoney Home Page and then Chart Library link can also quickly become tedious.
"A simple link to the Chart Library Favourites Page in the Chart Library toolbar would greatly assist in browsing ease, I'm sure. For your further consideration."
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this suggestion. There are a number of ways of returning to your Favourites homepage when browsing through some of the more than 18,000 instruments in the Chart Library.
Whenever a chart is displayed in the Chart Library, the menu where it appears in our database is underlined just below the main Chart Library toolbar and above the Charting black stripe above the chart. When you are browsing through your Favourites you will see "Favourites" in blue and underlined. Clicking on this link will take you back to your Favourites homepage.
Alternatively, you might be browsing instruments that are not in your Favourites. If you wish to return to your main page, select Favourites from the drop down menu at the top of the page. It will always be the first item. (Note you may have to scroll up to locate it.)