Email of the day (3)
An amusing book on the art world:
"In case you weren't aware of it, I just wanted to mention a book I have read by Steve Martin (the actor) called An Object of Beauty. It was an amusing, sardonic take on the players in the art world in the last 20 odd years. The only auction I ever attended was when yr lovely pictures came up for sale a while ago at Christies. I do recommend this book as a nice, light read. I am reading far more over here in Nova Scotia than in London, probably because the TV and media generally is not quite as interesting.
"On the investing front I am focussing on small companies, many listed on AIM which gives me plenty of excitement."
David Fuller's view Thanks for the recommendation; I have just ordered it.
I love the auction rooms but should probably go to a clinic for my collectoritis. I enthusiastically build collections and then sell down when overwhelmed by the clutter.
I am sure you have done very well on AIM (the author of this email is a very knowledgeable chart reader).