Email of the day (3)
Comment of the Day

August 19 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (3)

On high-yielding companies in the energy sector:
"David in his commentary yesterday said that he was looking at High yielding opportunities in the energy sector as a future possibility. Would it be possible to indicate which parts of the energy sector he is looking at and an example of a basket of the instruments that he favours at present?

"Thanks for your help and commentary."

David Fuller's view Energy has been a Fullermoney secular theme for approximately eight years. Eoin has been reviewing a number of companies with high yields recently, including some energy shares. For instance, on 12th August he commented on a number of high-yielding companies with attractive yields, including two from the Canadian energy infrastructure sector - TransCanada and Veresen. He also reviewed Royal Dutch Shell and Repsol on the 16th. The former is already in my personal long-term investment portfolio and the more these companies decline during the next two months, the more interesting they will become. Eoin will review more high-yielding shares during the duration of this bear market. We always advise that subscribers should also do their own due diligence.

For more high-yield candidates reviewed by Eoin recently, in case you missed them, just click on 'Previous Item' shown beneath our names above and scroll down to his section.

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