Email of the day (3)
On finding NAV:
"I have one more naive question. I was checking the Aberdeen New Dawn Investment Trust's fact sheet. It refers to a discount of %4.2. I presume this is the discount to NAV at the end of Oct. Is this correct? And also is there a way to follow the NAV on a daily basis, or should one just use the end of month figure. As always thanks for the wonderful service.
David Fuller's view No problem - it is a reasonable question and people are not born knowing these things. Most fact sheets, whether in this case from Aberdeen or other services will list the percentage premium or usually discount to NAV. You could use Google for this and have probably have. You could also call or email Aberdeen for the up-to-date information. I look it up on my Bloomberg terminal although I have been told by other subscribers that they do not always update the NAV daily. It currently shows a discount to NAV of 7.23%.
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