Email of the day (3&4)
on a position keeping system:
"Position reporting system-FM of 1.5.11
"I have been experimenting with several systems over the years but since 1996 I have been using AXYS of Advent Inc (the company is public and based in San Francisco) and I was actually their first European customer. The have offices in London and on the continent and I can only highly recommend their system. My problem is that I need consolidation of positions over 12+ brokers/banks and over 10-12 currencies. While Axys is of course not inexpensive it has repaid my investment/annual maintenance fees many times over and I could not today live without it, esp w/0 their performance calculations over all time periods/asset classes/currencies and brokers/banks.
"As usual in this area, too, you tend to get what you pay for."
"Re position records (yesterday's email 3) suggest the basic Sharescope Gold. Not free, but incredibly cheap for what it can do - which is what your correspondent is asking for with a very great deal more thrown in besides. I keep all my dealing records on it, also automatically signalled on the fabulous charting facility. Best financial software - and support - of any service I ever used."
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you both for these contributions, made in the spirit of Empowerment Through Knowledge.
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