Email of the day (3)
Comment of the Day

February 03 2012

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (3)

On money flows:
"Many thanks as always for such a fantastic and interesting service. I was wondering whether you could expand on your extremely interesting comments re money flows - do you have access to any data that shows flow from cash to bonds to equities, by participant type? I would be extremely interested in seeing any data you may have on this.

"Many thanks for such a valuable analysis,"

David Fuller's view Thanks for the enthusiastic feedback.

I do not have precise data on money flows from one category of investment to another, other than what may be highlighted in some of the external reports which we sometimes post. However, one does not need to be a stats wonk to see what is going on, and once hard data becomes available, it is almost certainly out of date and therefore of questionable value. I will repeat with what I said on Wednesday:

"The key to successful navigation in this environment is to identify and follow the money flows. This requires common sense, analytical curiosity, an understanding of crowd behaviour, and a willingness to observe price charts in the manner of a naturalist."

The most important clues, which anyone can profit from, are in the price charts. A persistent uptrend can only be demand driven, and a persistent downtrend can only be supply driven. When they eventually lose momentum, which they inevitably will, the game has changed for at least the short term. Learn how to read price charts factually - I think you would enjoy TCS which Eoin has taught since 2007, and you will be in a better position to monitor money flows than most other people in the markets.

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