Email of the day (3)
“I was reading Your Trading Edge here in Australia and Dawn Bolton-Smith was telling readers that there was a "free daily email". If this is correct may I please add my email address. Thank you”
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for your interest in the service and yes, we produce a free abbreviated version of the Subscriber's Comment of the Day which is emailed out, to those who opt in, on a daily basis. Anyone can sign up for the free daily email by clicking on the banner at the top of the page. Many subscribers also signup for the free email because it acts as an alert to when the site has been updated.
Pre-subscribers such as you may also wish to peruse the free archive of written and audio commentary. Everything we write or record is released into the public domain after four months. Last October was a pivotal time for many markets and you may be interested to examine how we responded to events both in Comment of the Day and the Subscriber's Audio.