Email of the day (3)
Comment of the Day

June 15 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (3)

On 5-point criteria for gold shares
"I may have missed it (or misunderstood) but I couldn't find any link to GTI's "sensible 5-point criteria when venturing into the minefield of gold shares, in search of likely winners." Being a gold mining share enthusiast, I'd appreciate the copy it its available."

David Fuller's view Thanks for pointing this out. It was a separate item from Iain Little under the headline: "I AM GOLD but I am not foolish". I turned his entire email to me into a PDF document so that you could also see the charts, which are also in the Library.

I really like Iain's 5-point checklist and intend to use it in future. Here is a preliminary paragraph:

Investing in gold mining stocks means investing in a "low grade" investment area. A mine is a hole with a liar at the bottom and a fool at the top. Managements lie. Promoters "manipulate" expectations. Resources are rarely commercialized on time. Mine financing can literally evaporate when times are tough (remember 2008?). Finally, however excellent the management of a gold mine, there's absolutely nothing they can do about a lower gold price (beyond tactical hedging).

Bulls on Brink as S&P 500 Makes Third Pass at 200-day Moving Average Level - In case there was any doubt, this report from Bloomberg explains why I always keep an eye on the 200-day MAs.

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