Email of the day
on Japanese REIT analytic resources
"I have been doing a bit more digging and finally found a good English language webpage:
"Click on J-REIT Report Vol.3 (Feb. 2010). It lists all the J-REITs and includes some very interesting charts.
"Also click on J-REIT View on the left of the same page to access information about individual REITs.
"Many of these J-REITs, including the two largest, Nippon Building Fund and Japan Real Estate seem to have a high proportion of their properties in "the five central wards of Tokyo" which would be considered prime real estate, but diversification into other areas would not worry me as it might offer better value in the long term."
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this additional information contributed in the spirit of Empowerment Through Knowledge which I'm sure will be greatly appreciated by the Collective. Both of the REITs you mention can be found in the Chart Library.
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