Email of the day
More on shale gas
"I got a laugh from your comment on my email [Ed: see emails 2 last Thursday and 1 on Friday]…well, I guess if you can wrangle the freehold from whatever royalty owns it then you could move in the big fracturing rigs!
"This company has the most rigs in the Marcellus region (PA, NY,WVA,OH) and have been drilling the Barnett formation (TX) for 20 yrs: not screaming value to me, as these things get hyped. (how they pay a dividend on earnings of .16-.17 cents/share is not clear to me), But they are well positioned for a natgas rally. They told me that their cost of (shale) production is the cheapest in the industry -$1/mcb…not bad.
"My cousin's fiancé works for Schlumberger, they have also made a big commitment to shale play, here and in TX. As usual there's money to be made. How to go about it…..
"We have made a huge mistake in the US (again) backing ethanol, when we have a motherlode of energy under our very homes. With little or no gov't backing we could be driving natgas powered cars in 10 yrs until the (corn fed) cows come home…."
David Fuller's view Regarding moving in fract rigs, it might be quieter to tap the gas main beneath the pavement.
Thanks for the additional info. I am not holding my breath regarding a rally in natural gas, which is a supply increasing rather than a supply inelasticity play.
We can probably thank the corn lobby and an earlier election for the failed ethanol push, which produced less gas than the cows.