Email of the day (4)
Comment of the Day

November 10 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (4)

On year-by-year returns:
"I'm interested in joining FullerMoney. Can you tell me what your year by year return has been for the last 5 or 10 years?"

David Fuller's view Thanks for your interest. By returns, I assume you mean my personal investments and trades, because we do not do model portfolios as it would be a question of model for whom?

I am an investor and trader but not a bean counter, so I do not know the precise details of my performance. However, I do list every trade and investment on this site as they occur, and so does Eoin. I also review my Top-10 personal long-term equity investments several times a year.

As a pre-subscriber you can use our Archive 'Search' (upper left, forth item down) to see my 'Top-10' and any other postings which are at least four months old.

Incidentally, I never met a charlatan who did not have an audited performance record (although not all audited performances are accompanied by charlatans).

Eoin and I are interested in opportunities across global markets, as are most people who join the Fullermoney Collective of subscribers. They join to be better informed regarding markets and to hone their own investment skills, in line with our theme of Empowerment Through Knowledge. Most subscribers also make extensive use of our vast Chart Library and many attend The Chart Seminar, our two-day workshop on behavioural, factual technical analysis. We have shared interests in both investing and trading, but subsribers make their own decisions. They also share information via the emails, and we are wiser for it.

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