Email of the day (4)
Comment of the Day

December 22 2010

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (4)

on a chart amendment:
"Some time ago you added the following fund to the library at my request. I have however just noticed that the price on your charts varies from the fund I hold and suspect that the one you have is perhaps an institutional fund and not the retail fund. Are you able to either add the fund below or just change the one in the library?

"Standard Life Global Absolute Return Strategies Retail Accumulation Sell: 61.64p

"Could you also please add the following fund to the library as well? Marlborough Special Situations Accumulation Units Sell: 596.08p

"Thank you very much, and best wishes to you, David and Sarah for Christmas and 2011."

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for these suggestions your well wishes which we heartily return. I have deleted the previous iteration of the Standard Life Fund and replaced it with that mentioned above and also added the Marlborough fund.

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