Email of the day (4)
Comment of the Day

February 21 2011

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (4)

on investing in foreign listed shares:
"I can relate to the Friday's contributor who is experiencing difficulties in accessing some financial instruments through his online account..

"Many online brokers have an execution-only desk manned by operators who are happy to set-up buy orders. Your subscriber only has to Google the SEDOL which is a very useful reference to help the execution-only operator locate the correct instrument.

"I am now on my third year as a FM subscriber and I now regard it as my most important annual sub bar the charitable subs I make. In order of importance, FM has displaced my golf club and my health club who were top of my subscription list for so many years. Not only has FM helped me reverse what had been a woeful investor performance but it has provided me with priceless "peace of mind". I have found your service to have been nothing short of wonderful over the years and I look forward to attending my 2nd chart seminar in London shortly."

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this informative email and your continued support. I look forward to seeing you again at another Chart Seminar in future.

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