Email of the day (4)
Comment of the Day

November 10 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (4)

On Berkshire Hathaway:
"Just trying to give something back. I put out a short piece on Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway a few weeks ago and I have put it into PDF format now. While the share price is a few dollars above the price in the note, it should be still very relevant if you wish to post it.

"Bear in mind it is written for the private, not professional, investor so the terminology used is with that audience in mind."

David Fuller's view Many thanks for your report, contributed in the spirit of Empowerment Through Knowledge. I certainly found it informative.

I do not question your assessment of value but my guess (I am not really able to conduct my own detailed research on this) is that the Berkshire Hathaway (monthly, weekly & daily) benefits more from its multinational Autonomies such as Coca-Cola, rather than other companies reliant mainly on the US economy.

Also, the lack of a dividend, particularly in today's environment, has contributed to Berkshire's modest performance in recent years. Nevertheless, it is certainly not expensive, as you point out, and therefore it has long-term potential for patient investors. Personally, I think they would benefit most if Mr Buffett's successors, and long may he last, introduced a dividend and also announced that they intended for the share to become a Dividend Aristocrat over time.

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