Email of the day
“I am concerned about the number of funds that go out of business and whether I am invested in a candidate for such action and what is the financial penalty should that happen. I am in the Atlantis China Fund, along with other Fullermoney subscribers and my tracking source reports that it has a little over 3.1 million units; sedol - whatever that is? This would result in a value of $20 million U.S., which seems to me to be getting a little near the mark. I live outside the U.K. and would appreciate your response. Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year.”
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this email which I'm sure will be of interest to other subscribers. SEDOL stands for Stock Exchange Daily Official List and is a seven digit identification code for securities; most often used for funds. To the best of my knowledge it has nothing to do with a fund's liquidity.
This has been a difficult few years for the funds industry but I am not aware of large numbers of mutual funds going out of business. Hedge funds are perhaps a different story.
Redemptions from the Atlantis China Fortune Fund were temporarily postponed during 2008 because the fund held positions in a number of private companies that it could not value at the time. The fund has subsequently been repositioned as the Atlantis New China Fortune Fund.
According to Bloomberg, the Atlantis China Fund has $440 million under management as of yesterday. There is no evidence to suggest it is about to be liquidated. However, if you have grounds for such fears I suggest raising them with the fund provider.