Email of the day
On strongly endorsing a book recommendation (see also Friday's Email 2):
"Hello David. Great audio on Friday. So thank you for that.
On 'Way of the Turtle': I have a contact who is the CIO of a regulated trend following fund and he considers Curtis Faith's book as the finest book on money making he has read. I found this book helpful to my own investing even though I am not a leveraged trader. Those interested in trend following strategies should note the link which shows systematic trend following funds being a most successful strategy over a sustained period, some with CAGR of over 20 percent over a 20 year plus time frame."
David Fuller's view Many thanks for your feedback on the Audio and "The Way of the Turtle" by Curtis Faith. Given all the books out there, three such strong recommendations from professionals are not to be ignored, at least not by me.
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