Email of the day (5)
Comment of the Day

November 09 2010

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (5)

on living with diabetes:
"I usually do not reply to comments on newsletters but on today's I am; having diabetes I would like to comment on today's article from Jason Gale for Bloomberg. I am reversing my diabetes. I read Dr. Neal Barnard's book Reversing Diabetes this summer and I am applying what he promotes in his book. He writes about studies he has done with diabetic patients having them become vegans (no meat, no eggs, no milk) only vegetables. If it comes from animals do not eat it. I have followed this since August and have seen some amazing results in my blood sugar. The only advice in his book I do not follow is eating TVP [Ed. Textured Vegetable Protein] or soybeans in place of meat, because I think too much soy is bad for me. Occasionally I will eat a Veggie burger from Burger King but if I want a burger I make them from chick peas, carrots, garlic, rice or barley and then grill the patties.

"I think you and Eoin do a good job educating us dummies. Maybe some day my portfolio will be large enough for me to take one of your classes."

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this educational email and your humility is a credit to you. I look forward to greeting you at a future Chart Seminar and in the meantime we hope you live long and prosper.

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