Email of the day (5)
Comment of the Day

November 10 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (5)

On ownership of the Fed:
"Given that that, unlike most countries, in the US the central bank is a private company, what is your view about the implications of all these trillions of dollars of assets going onto the US Fed's balance sheet. That the US Fed is not owned by the US government seems like a major risk to the US economy. Does the US Fed pay dividends to its shareholders? Do the US Fed's shareholders stand to make billions of dollars if the US Fed succeeds in creating asset price inflation of the assets that US Fed is putting onto its balance sheet? David, I would be interested in your opinion of the implications for the US economy of the US Fed being a private non-government company at this challenging economic time."

David Fuller's view With respect, I know this is an occasional topic on conspiracy theory blogs but it does not concern me.

The US Federal Reserve is a semi-independent, unelected branch of the US government, subject to congressional oversight and governors are appointed by the US President. Wikipedia has a good coverage of the Federal Reserve System for those who are interested in this subject.

What greatly concerns me is what the Fed or any other important central bank is doing. You may recall Fullermoney's key mantra on this subject: "Monetary policy trumps most other factors, most of the time."

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