Email of the day
“SPDR Europe ha s Dividend Aristocrat ETF's listed on LSE, tickers UDVD, USDV, UKDV, EUDI, EUDV. I would be most grateful if you could comment on their suitability for investing in Fullermoney themes. Kind regards. ”
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for bringing these funds to our attention. At Fullermoney we hold companies that have a strong record of increasing their respective dividends in high regard. A considerable number of such companies also fulfil our requirements for Autonomies by sustaining truly global businesses and dominating their respective niches.
These funds invest in the highest yielding constituents of the S&P 1500 High Yield Dividend Aristocrats Index and the S&P 350 Europe Dividend Aristocrats. As such they are likely to be of interest to investors in a yield starved macro environment such as we are currently presented with.
At present the funds are performing more or less in line with the wider market and offer competitive yields. They may offer a reasonable proxy for Fullermoney's expanding middle class theme but my preference would be to cherry pick among the multinationals.
One additional consideration is that the Europe focused funds in particular are illiquid which could present challenges when it is time to exit the position.