Email of the day (6)
Comment of the Day

October 25 2011

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (6)

on surprise indices:
"The chart library has a Citigroup Economic Surprise Index which shows that US data is surprising to the upside. Would you comment on this and its connection with the European credit crisis and Asian slowdown?

"Bloomberg also has a similar Earnings Surprise Index. I believe the ticker is SPEDPOSS. Could we include this into the chart library? If there is any other composite index of earnings or earnings surprises, could we include them too into the chart library?"

Eoin Treacy's view The Citigroup US Economic Surprise Index has been largely rangebound for over a decade. It continues to rebound from the lower side and nothing has happened to question current scope for a continued rally towards the upper side.

The S&P500 Earnings Surprises Index highlights the pessimism towards company earnings in 2009 following the credit crisis crash and subsequent inability of earnings to keep up with improved expectations.

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