Email of the day
Comment of the Day

April 30 2013

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day

On purchasing affiliates of dividend aristocrats
"I must be getting your newsletter close on 30 years now and it gets better every day. One question for you, I am unable to purchase Affiliates of Dividend Aristocrats in India or Asia with my broker T D Can you recommend a Stockbroker who can buy them for me?"

David Fuller's view I thank you for a most forgiving assessment; your long-term support, and an interesting question of general relevance.

Buying affiliates of dividend aristocrats in somewhat closed markets is a problem for private investors. When this question was last raised a few years ago, few brokers were willing to offer this service for anyone other than established investment managers. I do recall a proxy service but it was more expensive and potentially less secure.

However, people within the Collective of Subscribers will know far more about this and if anyone cares to respond, I am sure your answers would be appreciated by the rest of us.

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