Email of the day
From Japan, on the country's changing policies regarding nuclear power
"Thank you for your comments everyday. I enjoy the comments.
"As for the Japanese electric utilities reform, the reform of Japanese electric power utilities is under way. The generation units and the supply units of all the utilities will be separated. The bill will be introduced into the Diet this fall.
"On the other hand LDP have the discussion about the integration of the reactors' operations. One reason is the operation risks are too big for private enterprises. Another reason is the government want to export the power reactor units. The government needs stable and safe operations to avoid the bad reputations.
"Now several reactors' safety inspections are under way. These reactors will probably run next spring or summer. The energy costs are high in Japan as you said. Japanese Economic Circles have been demanding restarting the reactors."
David Fuller's view Thank you so much for responding to my request on Wednesday for insights on this topic. Your summary sounds like what I would describe as a 'virtuous circle' for Japan, in that everyone stands to benefit:
1) Japan needs cheaper energy to propel its economic recovery and this will require nuclear power. 2) The Japanese public needs reassurance that a policy of centralised control and administration of nuclear power will avoid another Fukushima. 3) Japan's economy would benefit from a commercial nuclear power industry but first it needs to reassure potential buyers by successfully reviving its own domestic capacity.