Email of the day on our investment philosophy.
New subscriber here and enjoying the site/audio. Anything on the site or audio that explains your philosophy on markets and approach? I've purchased your book as well so maybe that is the simple answer!
Welcome to the Service and thank you for this email which others may also have an interest in. Crowd Money was my best attempt at creating a companion guide to The Chart Seminar back in 2013 and the principles of crowd psychology and trend consistency covered in it are the basis for the analysis performed in this Service.
FullerTreacyMoney is a top down macro behavioural global strategy service. The best place to be in any market is in a consistent trend. In order to find the most consistent trends we scour the world. Having an appreciation of what a consistent trend is, how they evolve and how they end allows us to form trend running strategies.
There are really only two big factors in the market; crowds of people and monetary policy. Central banks kill off bull markets so we need to pay attention to what they do. Likewise, when oil is surging or when banks can’t make money that impairs liquidity creation so we need to monitor those markets. Of course, the opposite is also true. Central banks help create the liquidity conditions for bull markets to prosper and falling energy prices improve industrial profitability. That also leads to an awareness of long-term cycles in the behaviour of crowds.
Liquidity is not enough. You also need a fundamental story or theme to animate investor interest over the span of secular bull markets. Big themes, supported by abundant liquidity are what drives long-term bull markets. That is why we focus on the rise of the global consumer, the accelerating pace of technological innovation and secular bear market in energy.
The evolving path of extraordinary monetary policy, rise of populism and geopolitical rivalry can all be viewed in the historical framework of liquidity and crowd psychology.
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