Email of the day on the Bank of England Balance Sheet
Comment of the Day

October 31 2014

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day on the Bank of England Balance Sheet

Is the UK still operating QE? I have failed to find the answer on the internet.

Eoin Treacy's view

Thank you for this question which others may also have an interest in. The Bank of England made its last QE purchase in 2012 and has maintained the size of its balance sheet since by reinvesting maturing debt and coupons.

With the ECB, Bank of Japan and the Peoples Bank of China moving towards increasingly active easing programs, the Bank of England might not be happy with the relative strength of the Pound as it manoeuvres towards normalising policy. 

You can find the balance sheet charts for the Fed, ECB, BoE, BoJ and PBoC in the Monetary Measures section of the Chart Library. 

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