Emails of the day (1)
On rhino horn imports:
"Your first piece today on the present value of Chinese caterpillar fungus struck a particular chord with me living here in South Africa. Such has been the demand by oriental nations for Rhino horn that its price has risen from $1700 per kilo in 1999 to $70,000 per kilo now! Poaching here in South Africa has risen 1,600% in 10 years. Of course, due in the Far East to a huge increase in population with money and here on the supply side a raft of wishy washy laws easily circumvented aided and abbetted by corrupt politicians and officials. Some of these poaching forays have involved helicopters and veterinarians. I am a retired vet from the UK with 40 years experience and it makes me sick to think that some of my colleagues have sold their souls to the devil.
"Extrapolating foreward there will be no more of these awesome animals left in 30 years on this continent in the wild thus depriving our grandchildren of such a treasure of experience."
David Fuller's view Well said, and I could not agree more. This practice, along with the killing of other endangered species to the point of extinction reflects very badly on mankind, and shows a callous disregard for life. I can accept it from a historic, cultural perspective, but not today as it is now much more about greed than need, real or imagined. Civilized people should ban these practices, initially by outlawing them, backed by effective enforcement, and then by education. Hopefully, more governments will follow this example.
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