Extremely interesting report on corporate profit margins
…the outlook for profit margins will depend on what has driven them to such high relative levels today and whether this is a temporary phenomenon.
This is clearly a matter of great potential importance for the stock market. If the current level of profit margins is just a temporary phenomenon, then the outlook for profits is grim. We show in Table 1 that, if profit margins were now at their long-term average, then US profits today before tax would be approximately half their current level.
The prospect of such a sharp fall in profits, let alone the level that would be reached if margins fell to below average levels, is clearly one that not only threatens the prosperity of the financial securities' industry, but could be extremely damaging for the economy as a whole. It is therefore important to understand what has caused the odd behaviour of profit margins, both from the viewpoint of investing in shares and for the management of the economy.
There are obviously a large number of possible explanations which could account in whole or in part for the current high level of margins.
David Fuller's view This is a diligently researched but also
easily comprehended report which I commend to subscribers.
among you will know that mean reversion is one of the more immutable laws of
markets. Therefore we should be rigorous in our analysis before declaring: "This
time it is different." It may actually be different but history shows that
these incidences are occasional, indeed, distinctly rare exceptions to the norm.
anyone looking at Chart 1 in the Smithers report: US Profit Margins 1929 - Q3
2011, should remain on the lookout for mean reversion. There is a simple, practical
discipline to guide you in this respect since mean reversion by corporate profits,
whether it takes place sooner or later, may occur on a staggered basis. The
time to worry, I suggest, is when those currently outperforming Autonomies
and Dividend Aristocrats fall beneath their rising 200-day moving averages which
then roll over.
and although I would normally defer to Andrew Smithers on the subject of corporate
profits, here are some points, some of which I have made before, for possible
of corporations which are prospering today went into survival mode in 4Q 2008,
as I have said before. These companies have benefited from slashing overheads,
including shedding non essential personnel, closing inefficient plant, and curbing
excessive payouts to management. Managers have hoarded cash, while often instituting
or increasing share buyback programmes.
factors have certainly had a very positive influence on profit margins, although
the benefits of slimming down companies are clearly finite as too much cost
cutting will eat into growth potential. On this basis alone, corporate profits
would certainly mean revert, and possibly more, in the current economic climate.
the Autonomies have also followed the money, steadily increasing their participation
in growth economies. In doing so they have produced goods and services where
they can do so most cheaply and sold where they get the best return. This often
means sourcing locally as a means of gaining access to overseas markets and
then selling locally. Consequently, the Autonomies are leveraged to the rapidly
expanding middleclass in the world's many growth economies. These factors, which
have had such a beneficial influence on corporate profit margins, were simply
not possible for most of the last century. In other words, this really is different.
The Autonomies
have increased awareness of their brands by virtue of becoming truly global
companies. This has fostered consumer loyalty and also shareholder retention,
particularly where dividends have been increased. It is true that share buybacks
have flattered earnings per share but this need not be a concern provided it
is financed by earnings cash flow, and provided those shares are not re-floated
in which case they would obviously dilute earnings.
I also
think that successful companies have invested in technology to a greater extent
than the Smithers report allows for. I cannot prove this but why else would
so many Nasdaq companies be outperforming? This is not entirely due to household
consumer purchases. The smart phone and increasingly the iPad have become essential
business tools. The unprecedented virtuous circle is that processing power and
innovative software ensure that technology becomes much more useful and portable
as it also becomes considerably cheaper. The commercial potential of these devices,
not to mention steadily increasing automation in manufacturing and services,
is limited only by our imagination.
In conclusion,
when considering profit margins, globalisation and technological innovation
really are different this time, rendering historic data extending back to the
1930s less relevant in today's world. This certainly does not mean that profit
margins will go on expanding indefinitely or that we should ignore mean reversion.
There are many other influences - stuff happens, there are business cycles and
people make mistakes. Therefore, I would always be on the lookout for mean reversion
in markets, not least regarding corporate profit margins. However, the time
to worry and take defensive action is when the shares currently showing the
best earnings growth begin to underperform, so keep an eye on the price charts.