Fullermoney Historic Archive:
Comment of the Day

November 05 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

Fullermoney Historic Archive:

David Fuller's view FM13 Late May 1985 - The opening headline is "Raging bulls", and this paragraph seems appropriate for today:

Now life isn't just a bowl of honey-covered sugar lumps so I'll remind everyone that we have to drive home after this party, but don't put the bottles away just yet. The good news is that up until recently there were plenty of bears around who, on seeing a chart, insisted on holding it upside down. They weren't only Chicken Little and the lunatic fringe, but included some of the best known brains that publicity can scramble. When those bears become born again bulls the rest of us will know that it is time to panic. We should have a little more time to enjoy the rise since a healthy proportion of pundits still believe that stock markets will be taken to the spring cleaners just like last year. Followers of Elliot Pavlov's theory lightened their portfolios in February, anticipating the next shake-out that they have helped to postpone…

Price charts are not as controversial today, fortunately. FM13 contained an illustrated section on factual, behavioural chart reading, under the heading: "Charting your way to the bank." Here is the opening paragraph:

Charts aren't for everybody. Take the complicators for example. These people will go to any lengths to avoid the direct route from A to B. Life in a maze is their ideal. The relish confusion and to bewilder others is ecstasy. The market complicators dazzle us with pseudo science and find common sense arguments simplistic. The view technical analysis as rather banal.

I commend this section to those who are new to charts and as a primer for Eoin's TCS workshop on the 18th & 19th of this month.

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