Fullermoney Historic Archive: FM6 Mid-August 1984
Comment of the Day

August 13 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

Fullermoney Historic Archive: FM6 Mid-August 1984

David Fuller's view FM6 opens with my Alan Abelson moment which you may wish to skip. An explosive stock market rally occurred as US short-term rates slipped beneath 13%. Will we ever see those levels again or considerably higher as occurred in 1982? Eventually, if you believe that what goes around comes around, and money printing will be a very big contributing factor.

For students of technical analysis, of the sort you have yet to find in text books, there is a lengthy section illustrating my mid-point danger line (MDL) as a useful tool for monitoring staircase trends.

There is an editorial on the miner's strike and how about the quote in this sample:

When boasting that the miners would engineer a Labour victory at the next general election, Scargill told a grinning Kinnock that "You have only one lesson to learn from Mrs Thatcher - when you do become the Government of the day, show us the same loyalty to our class that she has shown to their class."

Those too were dangerous times but generally very good for investors.

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