Grand Minimum of the Total Solar Irradiance leads to the Little Ice Age
Comment of the Day

April 24 2015

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Grand Minimum of the Total Solar Irradiance leads to the Little Ice Age

Thanks to a subscriber for this report by Habibullo Abdussamatov which represents what might be described as minority view among climate commentators. Here is a section:

The overall content of carbon dioxide in the Ocean is 50 times higher than in the atmosphere, and even a weak ¡§breath¡¨ of the Ocean can change dramatically the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere.


?Natural causes play the most important role in climate variations rather than human activity since natural factors are substantially more powerful.

Eoin Treacy's view

To my mind it makes little sense to debate the causes or extent of climate change. Let’s focus on the solution. Human beings have always had to deal with inclement weather events and we always will. The fact that there are more of us means that more people will be affected by weather events in future regardless of whether they intensify or not. The most important arbiter in how a community deals with such events lies in the extent of economic development. Regardless of whether one believes in a moderate or extreme interpretation of the data available the argument for supporting any policy that benefits economic growth makes logical sense.  

The reason we do not have to endure the poor air quality, dirty water, corrupt food chain and lack of basic services that are features of some of the world’s largest polluters is because we have transitioned to human-focused economic models rather the resource extraction or infrastructure development. This has only been possible because of economic growth and improving standards of governance. If we are truly serious about shepherding the planet for future generations, the path of least resistance is to help the largest polluters to grow their economies as quickly as possible so that the requirement for heavily polluting industries declines.  


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