Investment Outlook December 2011
Comment of the Day

November 29 2011

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Investment Outlook December 2011

Thanks to a subscriber for this interesting note from Bill Gross of Pimco. Here is a section:
To approach those numbers, risk assets in developing as opposed to developed economies should be emphasized. Consider Brazil with its agricultural breakbasket and its oil. Consider Asia with its underdeveloped consumer sector but be mindful of credit bubbles. In bond market space, the favorite strategy will be to locate the cleanest dirty shirts - the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia at the moment 0 and focus on a consistent, "extended period of time" policy rate that allows two - to ten-year maturities to roll down a near perpetually steep yield curve to produce capital gains and total returns which exceed stingy, financially repressive coupons. A 1% five-year treasury yield for instance, produces a 2% return when for 12 months under such conditions. Bond investors should also consider high as opposed to lower quality corporates as economic growth slows.

Eoin Treacy's view The world's major growth story is evolving among the newly minted middle classes of the world's highest growth economies where governance is improving. As evidenced by the beverages sector above, companies leveraged to this theme are prospering despite the navel gazing currently occupying the masses concerned with the European debt crisis.

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