Jackson Wong: Running With Global Leaders 2011
My thanks
to friend and colleague Dr Jackson Wong for his latest blockbuster
(402 slides) presentation. Here is the introduction page:
A year ago, I published a report called Running With Global Leaders 2010". (Click here for the report)
The aim of that study was to determine, categorise, and analyse stocks that were leading the post-crisis rally.
This report is a continuation of that investigation. Here, I attempt to shed some light on these interesting questions:
1. Have the early leaders faded away?
2. Did new leaders emerge? If yes, where?
3. Are there any `bubbly' sectors on the horizon? If yes, where?
4. What does the development of these stock leaders over the past year infer about the cyclical bull market?
5. Are these leaders ripe to short?
David Fuller's view This is a diligently researched report, drawing on examples selected from the world's markets. I think subscribers will find it fascinating and informative. It is also a superb primer for anyone interested in factual technical analysis.
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