Last week's signups for the Free (Abbreviated)Comment of the Day
Eoin Treacy's view For the week beginning January 10th new signups, including subscribers and pre-subscribers, live in the following countries or regions: Australia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Singapore, Taiwan, the UK and the USA - 10 in total. In descending order, which topped the list in terms of the last week's new signups? It was the UK, USA and Australia.
Thousands of people around the world receive Fullermoney's Free (Abbreviated) Comment of the Day, and their numbers steadily increase. Why do so many sign up? It is primarily due to word of mouth or word of press mention, from people who like Fullermoney's global perspective and our Empowerment Through Knowledge theme. Incidentally, on receiving our free daily email, you will not be contacted or solicited with advertisements and other marketing material. No one else will have access to your email address. We respect your privacy.