Marc Faber, Interviewed by Jim Puplava
Comment of the Day

July 15 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Marc Faber, Interviewed by Jim Puplava

David Fuller's view My thanks to a subscriber for this excellent interview, not leased because of Jim Puplava's searching questions. I have posted interviews with Marc Faber before but this is the best by far. The others are usually brief segments on financial news channels with too much emphasis on the short term by the interviewer. Also, there are some things that one is either reluctant to say on a TV channel or that may be cut. Marc Faber is certainly candid in this interview.

It is about 54 minutes long but I do not think that you will be bored and it is certainly not repetitious. Marc Faber is a thinker who travels widely and this adds to his global perspective, although not necessarily to his timing. My only cautionary note is that it takes him a while to warm up and his opening comments are the least interesting, in my opinion, when he is hypothesising about an extreme deflationary scenario which he disagrees with. Mr Bernanke is more than capable of preventing that, but at the risk of future inflation. Subscribers are unlikely to agree with everything in this interview but it is stimulating and there are plenty of interesting observations on gold.

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