My personal portfolio:
Comment of the Day

November 05 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

My personal portfolio:

A Baby Steps profit taken in T-Bond shorts; platinum long trade increased, T-Bond short reopened

David Fuller's view Happiness, currently, is a bit of ranging volatility in US 30-year T-Bond futures. When today's jobs figures for the US pushed futures lower early this afternoon, I covered the lower of yesterday's shorts, buying the December position back at 130.22 against my sale at 131.65 on the 4th. This closure reduced my short exposure by a third. In keeping with my Baby Steps sell-high-buy-low, short positions only for T-Bonds, I will continue to sell incrementally on rallies and cover on dips, while holding at least one core position. Later this afternoon I was able to open another short at 131.00.

With loose, slightly in the money stops protecting my earlier platinum purchases, I used today's pullback on a firmer USD to open another January long for which I paid $1753.8, increasing my stake by about 36%. I may now manage this position, given the opportunity, by lightening on rallies and increasing longs on reactions within the overall rising trend.

Prices above include spread-bet dealing costs.

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