My personal portfolio:
David Fuller's view Although yesterday
was a holiday in the UK, I had my eye on the markets because I was doing some
admin work. When wheat (weekly &
daily) broke up out of its trading
range I raise stops on my two earlier purchases and then increased the stake
by 50% - chancy, yes, and I generally prefer not to pay up for commodities.
I paid $8.151 for this addition position purchased on the 3rd. It looked like
a mistake by the close and the upward break was not maintained today, resulting
in the triggering of stops at $7.845 today, against my purchases at $7.61 and
$7.50 on 14th and 16th December. I will hold on to yesterday's expensive purchase
because not too much technical damage has occurred and the important USDA report
is only 8 days away.
At one
point yesterday 30-year T-Bond futures
were quite weak. I had been hoping for a further recovery, which the pattern
suggested was a possibility, so that I could resume shorting at a higher level.
Not wanting to see the position run away from me, I reopened an initial short
at 120.75 in the decimalised March contract. My tactic is to increase this position
in the event of a further rally, and/or renewed weakness if a downward break
appears more likely in the near term.