My personal portfolio
David Fuller's view
In my last two Audios of 2009 and also Comment of the
Day on New Year's eve, I mentioned that the missing ingredients for gold and
silver were upward dynamics to confirm the return of buyers - in force - following
last month's correction and short-term oversold condition. To familiarise new
subscribers with this term, I am referring to a single-day surge that emboldens
bulls and worries anyone with a short position in these instruments. I felt
the upward dynamic would be forthcoming because we were seeing it in other metals,
not least platinum (weekly &
daily) last week, and palladium
(weekly & daily)
which I did not mention in my recent commentaries but has led on the upside
once again.
I am pleased to say that we have seen further strength by the recent leaders
and also the previously missing upward dynamics for gold (weekly
& daily) and silver (weekly
& daily). I think this technical
action indicates that the recent corrections are over and that upward trends
are likely to be resumed, as we have already seen with palladium and platinum.
Accordingly, I increased my silver long by 10%, paying $17.26 for another March
position, including spread-bet dealing costs. I bought silver for its catch-up
potential and I remain long of gold and platinum futures.
I last
mentioned BlackRock World Mining Trust (BRWM LN), a longstanding core holding
in my personal long-term investment portfolio, on 16th
December, stating: "I regard internationally-listed BRWM as the safest
way to particulate in the [mining] sector because it holds most of the top miners
and currently sells at a discount to NAV of over 15%. I opened spread-bet trades
in BRWM (weekly & daily)
during earlier stages of its recovery and bought it again today because it appears
to be breaking up out of a large consolidation pattern at a time when metals
and mining shares remain in form. This afternoon, I paid 563.5p for a June contract,
including spread-bet dealing costs.
late this afternoon I increased my gold
longs by approximately 30 percent, paying $1120.3 for another April position,
including spread-bet dealing costs. I also hold February gold which is currently
on automatic rollover as these contracts expire later this month.