My personal portfolio
David Fuller's view On seeing its sister
metal palladium reach a new recovery
high today, I increased my platinum
long position by 50%, paying $1578.9 for another April position. An inconvenience
with this spread-bet trade is that April positions have to be either closed
or rolled forward on 19th March, increasing dealing costs. In Wednesday's Audio
I mentioned that the euro's weakness was creating a more positive environment
for Euroland's exporters to the rest of the world, as it would boost their consolidated
earnings. I mentioned Siemens AG (SIE GY) (weekly
& daily) and ArcelorMittal (MT
NA) (weekly & daily)
as candidates that I was considering for a trade. Both have good chart patterns
and Siemens could run following a breakout from its large trading range. Both
have been firm recently but I felt that ArcelorMittal had temporarily gotten
away from me in the last few days. I paid €67.99 for a June position. A
disadvantage with this spread-bet trade is the large spread of €0.60. I
opened a number of long trades in ArcelorMittal last year and continue to regard
it as a buy on setbacks, provided it remains on the left side of the rising