My personal portfolio
Comment of the Day

February 09 2012

Commentary by David Fuller

My personal portfolio

A spread-bet long opened in Asian Citrus Holdings

David Fuller's view Using some accumulated dividends in my personal long-term investment account, I opened a small long position in London-AIM and HK-listed ACHL on Thursday 2nd February, regarding it as a small-cap medium-term recovery play.

The share moved up the following day and I discovered from a subscriber that the UK's Investors Chronicle had just tipped it as a speculative buy. After a brief consolidation ACHL resumed its recovery today (weekly & daily) and I noticed that this time the buying was led by the Hong Kong price. This tempted me to open a trading long this afternoon, despite the quite wide dealing costs on futures for AIM-listed companies of about 3%. I paid 41.47p for a June contract, including spread-bet dealing costs.

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