My personal portfolio
Comment of the Day

April 23 2012

Commentary by David Fuller

My personal portfolio

Some recent trades closed

David Fuller's view This environment suits patient investors who buy on weakness but I am finding trading conditions difficult and not liking the market action this morning, I closed four losing positions in Sanofi-Aventis, Schroder Japan Growth Fund, platinum and silver. For the record, June SAN was sold at €56.13 against my purchase at €59.21 on 13th March; June SJG was sold at 92.05p versus the purchase at 97.52p on 9th March; July platinum was sold at $1573.6 against $1658.8 on 2nd April, and May silver at $31.228 versus $32.818 on 26th March. These prices include all spread bet dealing costs.

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