My personal portfolio: Aberdeen New Thai long sold; Denison Mines long increased; Geiger Counter purchased
Comment of the Day

January 19 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

My personal portfolio: Aberdeen New Thai long sold; Denison Mines long increased; Geiger Counter purchased

David Fuller's view Approximately 40% of my remaining Aberdeen New Thai IT (ANW LN) (weekly & daily) was sold late yesterday and the remainder today, at average price of 274p. Interestingly, the traditional broker - Tony Smith of Brewin Dolphin - outperformed the discount brokers when dealing this morning, including after allowing for all commissions.

What does this tell me, and not for the first time? Discount brokers offer lower commissions, but in the 'no free lunch' department, they also widen dealing spreads, usually resulting in an inferior and more costly service.

Cash from the ANW sale was invested in uranium shares, topping up my exposure to that sector. I bought more Denison Mines (DML CN) (weekly & daily) in my SIPPS account, paying C$3.59, and Geiger Counter Ltd (weekly & daily) (GCL LN), an Investment Trust (closed-end fund) in two family ISA accounts, paying an average price of 110.55p. Both Denison and Geiger Counter have been mentioned favourably on several occasions in Comment of the Day. The latter has had a very good run recently but is currently trading at a 22% discount to NAV, according to Bloomberg. Denison has also performed well and the additional back history provides perspective. Denison and many other uranium shares have only recently emerged from base formations.

For the record, I still like ANW, which has done well by me over the years, albeit during what was a roller coaster performance at times. Today, I think uranium is a more interesting play, although the shares are likely to be even more volatile.

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